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A New Birth…!

Hi friends, Welcome to my first post.

This is a first entry on my new site –, through this site I would be expressing my thoughts, the folk culture of Malabar (Kerala). In addition, I have also incorporated some cherished stories which touched my heart. Thus, will be a complete the portfolio of all my thoughts, ideas and visions which is spread across various web communities posted by me.

Rajesh K Odayanchal - A New Birth

Now let me tell you something about myself – I am a webmaster of a Bangalore based consulting company, having experience in designing and developing websites for various domains.  I have been fortunate to have a few years of business experience in the computer industry. As mentioned earlier, the origin of was to collate my thoughts at a single platform. However, while I was thinking about, I realized that this may be a good opportunity to create some personal pages about myself too. Well, everyone wants a little bit of attention and this created an urge in me to create a page dedicated for photographs of my beloveds and other social events etc. Maybe even my personal opinions about world around me…!  But that’s probably distant future, so don’t get freaked out now 🙂

Let me not bore you anymore, lastly I would love to add one more point – I always value the time someone takes to mail me privately about a post I’ve written in the blogs, whether it’s giving me a bit of encouragement or letting me know I’ve helped them in some way. I find this has nurtured a few nice relationships can be a lot more productive in gaining mind share of other people also.

In short I hope you have understood what is expected from you read, share your opinions on what I have to say, suggest something and spread the word about if it touches you.

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15 years ago

Hey, great site dude.
This is your inaugural post, right! truly charming…!
You are full of surprises!
Cheers and all the best to you in this new endeavor.

Mohan Kumar M
15 years ago

Great Rajesh! Good job.

Piter Jankovich
Piter Jankovich
14 years ago

My name is Piter Jankovich. Only want to tell, that your blog is really cool
And want to ask you: is blogging your hobby?
P.S. Sorry for my bad English

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x


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